
Three years ago today Hobson came into my life. He’d been rescued from a council pound by Team Poundie just 24 hours before his 7 days were up and he would be put to sleep. I can never thank them enough for both saving Hobson’s life and bringing him to me. After all that he’d been through when my friend Martin delivered him he was full of life and joy. I loved him from that very first moment, and everyday loved him more. He was my companion, my best buddy, the Hooch to my Turner. There’s not a day goes by that I don’t find myself thinking about the happy times we had together. How he always knew when I’d brought a toy home and would be so excited when I pulled it from my bag. The way he loved to sit on the balcony and watch the world go by. His waggy tail when I came home. How he would come and woof at me if he needed taking out for a walk. I had so many nicknames for him. ‘Sir Woofalots’, ‘Senor Woof Woofs’, ‘The Woofalator’, etc. Everyone loved him – our neighbours, his dog sitters, the vets. A local cafe always gave him a free poached egg which Hobson loved.

Hobson was very nervous of other dogs, maybe from some past trauma. At first I wondered if he would ever be able to be around fellow doggies. However, we came to learn that with some patience Hobson could make the best of furry friends. He just needed to be introduced to them gently so he could overcome his anxiety. His best friends were Brookie the guide dog and Amber the rescue greyhound. Amber was also nervous of other dogs, so it’s wonderful that they had each other for walks. It was lovely to witness how calm Hobson became on his walks. At first he was so anxious, always pulling on the lead and looking for signs of danger. But gradually that changed and he would trot along calmly by my side, seemingly without a care in the world. I was so glad he learned to feel safe.

I’m crying as I sit here writing this, because I miss my buddy so much. But I am also eternally thankful of the time we had together. I’m pretty sure Hobson loved it too. x

(On the day I wrote this my friend, the Private Eye cartoonist Tony Husband, drew this to make me feel better. It’s a beautiful drawing and sentiment. Tragically Tony passed away a few days later so I shall always treasure this.)

I’ll always love you Hobson. x

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